Prep News

Sold Out Forever –

Last week I released a new survival book on Amazon, Sold Out Forever: 101 Items to Grab Before the U.S. Dollar Crashes.

It’s about, as you might have guessed, everything I believe people like you and I should purchase before hard times hit.

If I haven’t made my views clear already, I firmly believe that our country–and likely much of the world–is headed toward a fiscal abyss. Our government continues to “print” money with a reckless abandon, inflation continues to rise, and prices for everything we need (food, gas, electricity, etc.) show no signs of coming down.

We really do need to hunker down for the coming hard times. If you’ve yet to do so yet, it’s time to begin preparing for what I fear is inevitable.

I’m not saying you should panic, but you should definitely be purchasing supplies you and your family will need over the next few years. This would include plenty of food, to be sure, but many other items, such as medicine, personal hygiene supplies, self-defense gear, off-grid power, and so much more.

The book goes into the finer details, and most of what I discuss inside isn’t rocket science, but it should serve as a wakeup call to those still procrastinating: prepare yourselves while you still have the opportunity.

Inside the book I also offer suggestions for how much of these supplies you should purchase, as well as alternatives and supplemental ideas that may prove useful in case the items I recommend don’t quite work for your situation.

Near the end, I also discuss additional considerations, such as stockpiling items for barter, addressing health concerns, forming prepper groups, and more.

If you’re new to preparedness and need an easy place to get your feet wet, start with this book. It’s easy to read and packed full of good advice everyone, even seasoned preppers, should heed.

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