
The Washington Post Stands Up for Election-Fraud Denial – The American Spectator

Oh, the horror!

Over there at the Washington Post, reporter Amy Gardner is horrified at Republican candidates’ running on platforms of election integrity.

So, what to do?

Gardner and the Post’s editorial board sound the alarm that there is no such thing as election fraud.

Here is the headline on Gardner’s story:

A majority of GOP nominees — 299 in all — deny the 2020 election results

Experts say their dominance in the party poses a threat to the country’s democratic principles and jeopardizes the integrity of future votes

And here is the headline from the equally panicked Post editorial board:

How to confront the rising power of the GOP’s election-denying wing 

Gardner writes this:

A majority of Republican nominees on the ballot this November for the House, Senate and key statewide offices — 299 in all — have denied or questioned the outcome of the last presidential election, according to a Washington Post analysis.

Candidates who have challenged or refused to accept [President] Joe Biden’s victory are running in every region of the country and in nearly every state. Republican voters in four states nominated election deniers in all federal and statewide races The Post examined.

Although some are running in heavily Democratic areas and are expected to lose, most of the election deniers nominated are likely to win: Of the nearly 300 on the ballot, 174 are running for safely Republican seats. Another 51 will appear on the ballot in tightly contested races.

While the Post editorial board frets this way:

Election deniers increasingly dominate the Republican Party — and could soon gain unprecedented power over the nation’s democratic system….

The Post’s numbers are ominous — but not shocking. Conspiracy-theorizing candidates defeated moderate Republicans in primary after primary this summer. The Post analysis counted candidates for Congress, governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state and attorney general who had questioned President Biden’s victory.

Hello? Hello? Is anybody at home at the Washington Post? Over here at The American Spectator this very week was this spot-on reminder by Deroy Murdock of just who began the “election-denier” routine. Writes Deroy:

New Video Confirms That Democrats Invented Election Denial

Matt Orfalea gives a devastating indictment of the Left’s rampant, widespread, and profound refusal to accept Trump’s presidency.

Deroy goes on:

President Joe Biden and every other Democrat should watch Matt Orfalea’s new video, created for Matt Taibbi’s TK News. Titled “Democrats’ ‘Stolen’ Election Claims,” this effort will send Biden & Co. into spasms of cognitive dissonance.

The Left will be left stammering by indisputable, vivid, visual evidence that they are hands-down guilty of election denial. Notwithstanding Jan. 6, those who still will not concede that Donald J. Trump beat Hillary Clinton fair and square in 2016 remain far more numerous, ferocious, and destructive than their rightist counterparts who argue that 2020’s election lacked integrity.

In watching that video, one finds one prominent liberal after another saying that Trump was an “illegitimate president” who “stole the election.” Those insisting that the 2016 election was stolen include, but of course, Clinton (repeatedly), New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman, Biden, actor Rob Reiner, now–White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and her predecessor Jen Psaki, sports commentator Keith Olbermann, NBC’s Jimmy Fallon, comedian Rosie O’Donnell, Rep. Adam Schiff, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren — with, yes, the Washington Post, which went out of its way to headline this:

The 2016 election was stolen. Got a nicer way to say that?

After all of that repeated, incendiary rhetoric — in the ultimate irony — the Post and all of the rest of those election deniers clearly convinced Republican candidates across the country that election integrity is in fact a serious problem.

Now, all of a sudden, as the Post’s Gardner and editorial board are vividly illustrating, they have suddenly become the fraud deniers.

I have touched on the Post’s problems with fraud denying before in this space, noting the documented cases of voter fraud in my home state of Pennsylvania in the elections of 2016, 2015, 2014, 2012, 2008, and, notably, 1994, when a federal judge stepped in to overturn what he found was a “massive scheme” by Democrats to steal a state Senate election. All of that went ignored by the fraud-denying Post — with the exception of their pausing to say that Trump stole the 2016 election.

Let’s cut to the chase.

The Washington Post and its liberal friends spent volumes of time insisting that the 2016 election was stolen — and in so doing convinced millions of Americans that America has an election-integrity problem.

Republicans across the country have taken the Post’s message to heart — and are now running for office to clean up the system once and for all.

And suddenly the Washington Post objects.

There is an old biblical truth about something like this: You reap what you sow.

Imagine that.

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