Prep News

A Tsunami of Fake Money to hit The Markets ! Warning to Prepare for an Emergency. Stock up on food, water and supplies now! It is 5 days Before the Economic Collapse.” So, what do you do?

A Tsunami of Fake Money to hit The Markets ! Warning to Prepare for an Emergency. Stock up on food, water and supplies now! It is 5 days Before the Economic Collapse.” So, what do you do?

A Tsunami of Fake Money about to hit The Markets !!– Economic Collapse — Stock Market Crash . 4K A Tsunami of Fake Money about to hit The Markets !! When an econo-financial world based on never-ending credit meets the reality of suspicion about inability to repay debt, all bets are off. Last week saw the end of the beginning of a crisis of liquidity in credit-driven capitalism in the United States. This week, more information is available to confirm our fears. As we head towards the tidying of balance sheets at the year-end, more tartan paint salesmen are about to become IPOs on already squeamish markets.

The signs are not good . later on Wednesday morning, when in an “unexpected” move, the Federal Reserve expanded the size of its two dollar funding operations, the overnight and term repo, from $75 Billion to $100 Billion, and from $30 Billion to $60 Billion heading into quarter-end, effectively injecting up to $250 billion in funding ($30 Billion in already concluded term repo as well as two $60 Billion term repos yet to come, together with the $100 Billion overnight repo, assuming full allottment on all operations, for a grand total of $250 Billion ).

This is getting worse. Remember, this started with 53 Billion last week. We’re now up to 139 Billion and we haven’t heard the overnight number yet (30+60+49). Sure, it could have been worse today, but the trend is still going up, not down. The spike in the repo rate might have a technical explanation: a misjudgement was made in the Fed’s money market operations. Even so, two conclusions can be drawn: managing the money markets is becoming harder and from now on banks will be studying each other’s creditworthiness to a greater degree than before. Those people, who struggle with the minutiae of money markets and that includes most professionals, should focus on the causes and not the symptoms.

Financial markets have recovered from each downturn since 1980, because interest rates have been cut to new lows. Post-2008 they were cut to near zero or below zero in all major economies. In response to a new financial crisis they cannot go any lower. Central banks will look for new ways to replicate or broaden Quantitative Easing. (At some point governments will simply see repression as an easier option). Then there is the problem of ‘risk-free’ assets becoming risky assets. Financial markets assume that the probability of major governments such as the US or UK defaulting is zero.

These governments are entering the next downturn with debt roughly twice the levels proportionate to GDP that were seen in 2008. This liquidity problem is a signal that trading desks are loaded up on inventory and can’t get rid of it. Repo is done out of a need for cash. If you own all of your securities (i.e. a long only, no leverage mutual fund) you have no need to “repo” your securities – you’re earning interest every night so why would you want to ‘repo’ your securities where you are paying interest for that overnight loan (securities lending is another animal).

So, it is those that ‘lever-up’ and need the cash for settlement purposes on securities they’ve bought with borrowed money that need to utilize the repo desk. With this in mind, as we continue to see this need to obtain cash (again, needed to settle other securities purchases) it shows these firms don’t have the capital to add more inventory to, what appears to be, a bloated inventory. No comes the fun part: the Treasury is about to auction 3’s, 10’s and 30 year bonds. If I am correct (again, I could be wrong), the Fed realizes securities firms don’t have the shelf space to take down a good portion of these auctions.

If there isn’t enough retail/institutional demand it would lead to not only a crappy auction but major concerns to the street that there is now no backstop, at all, to any sell off. At which point everyone will want to be the first one thru the door and sell immediately . . . but to whom? If there isn’t enough liquidity in the repo market to finance their positions, the firms would be unable to increase their inventory. We all saw repo shut down on the 2008 crisis. Wall St runs on money. . .OVERNIGHT money. They lever up in order to inventory securities for trading. If they can’t get overnight money they can’t purchase securities.

And if they can’t unload what they have, it means the buy side isn’t taking on more either. It seems too convenient that the Fed has specifically mentioned stepping in for a long enough timeframe to see how the auction shakes out. Begs the question. Are these supposed overnight loans (REPOS) really being paid back in 24 hours and collateral returned, or is demand decreasing because these are actually stealth POMOs where the FED has actually kept the collateral and issued money on a long term basis. Certainly could explain the decline in loan applications.

Maybe if the FED’s balance sheet reporting is honest, we may soon discover it has somehow increased net month. Or maybe this all disappears like the other 21 trillion . It’s Friday. no liquidity shortage on Fridays, only booze shortage needs to be fixed.

The History Of The Global Currency Reset

What is the history of the Global Currency Reset otherwise known as the GCR? The Global Currency Reset theory is one huge super conspiracy theory that contains many sub-theories. This is where it came from.

In the latter part of the 20th century, many conspiracy theories about the United States dollar and the Federal Reserve began to emerge. One theory says that the Federal Reserve Act was passed in secret. The claim is that the majority of Congress was at home on Christmas break when this law was being passed. This belief is that it was passed by a minority. It is implied that most of Congress was against this law and that is why it was passed in secret.

Another conspiracy theory says that the 16th Amendment was never ratified. Therefore the United States does not have the right to tax the American citizen. Another conspiracy states that the Rothschild dynasty forced England into the war of 1812 because America refused to renew the charter of the second central bank. Many other types of monetary conspiracy theories started to form during this time as history was being rewritten.

During the 1990s Harvey Francis Barnard came up with a set of proposed economic reforms. He called them the National Economic Security and Recovery Act or “NESARA.” Barnard tried to get Congress to take a look at his proposals, but they turned him down. In an effort to gain popularity he put the proposals on the Internet around 2022.

Shortly after that, a woman who was known as “The Dove of Oneness” found these proposals. She began posting about them in Internet forums. This woman put a New Age twist to these proposed laws. She claimed that NESARA was a bill that was stuck in Congress before finally being passed in a secret session. According to her, it was signed by President Bill Clinton in secret in March of 2000. They have been trying to implement this law ever since.

“The Dove of Oneness” was later identified as Shaini Candace Goodwin, a former student of The Ramtha School Of Enlightenment. This school teaches New Age doctrines. After Goodwin began commenting on NESARA, other Internet-based conspiracy theorists latched onto it. Much of the terminology in the GCR and the phrase “The Global Currency Reset” can be traced back to Goodwin’s conspiracy theory. She profited by getting people to send her donations in the guise of supporting her website.

Goodwin attached her NESARA doctrines to investment scams like Omega Trust, CMKX, and the Iraqi Dinar. Her claim was that these investments would pay off as soon as NESARA was implemented. Victims of these investment scams converted to the NESARA doctrines because it gave them false hope. This caused this conspiracy theory to grow expediently.

After the 2008 global economic crisis all of these conspiracy theories combined under one roof to make what we see today as The Global Currency Reset. So while the main conspiracy theory says there is going to be a dollar collapse, many of the sub-theories conflict with each other. Gold and silver merchants use the global currency reset propaganda to sell precious metals as endless commercials proclaiming a dollar collapse constantly appear on radio and television.

There is more than one meaning that is attached to the phrase Global Currency Reset. A standard definition would be a return to a global currency system that all nations would agree upon. The last time nations gathered together to agree upon a new global currency system was in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. While World War II was still going on leaders from nations around the world decided on a new global currency system. This led to the formation of global organizations like the International Monetary Fund and GATT, which later became the World Trade Organization.

The world’s allied nations agreed on a fixed currency rate which was sort of based on a global gold standard. The U.S. dollar was the currency that nations used to back their currency under this agreement. The reason for this was because the United States was in possession of most of the world’s gold supply at this time.

There is a tendency for institutions that missed the warning signs before the last financial crisis to over-cook their doomsayer’s warnings as they consider the potential for another one.

The International Monetary Fund leads a group of gloomy forecasters that worry about the stability of the global economy amid rising debt levels and slowing GDP growth. How long, they ask, can the expansion seen since the last crash go on before another recession hits?

And if a global recession is pushed further into the future by even larger dollops of borrowed money from the financial system, will the next recession quickly become a crash of similar or even larger proportions than the one seen in 2008?

This week a lot has happened in the global financial markets and the global stock markets have crashed significantly within a few days and the question that most people are asking is whether this drop will culminate in a global stock market crash.

The Federal Reserve has been targeting the stock market as a way of boosting economic growth. They have been pumping billions of dollars into the stock market for many years and now, the prices are inflated. The current global panic as a result of the outbreak has triggered stock selling and this is what is causing the stocks prices to tumble every single day and in the process wealth worth billions of dollars is being lost. In the past week, many global companies are reporting that the global supply chains are being affected by this global panic and the earnings are shrinking because of decreased consumer consumption.

Asian markets have experienced a lot of equity selling and the Japanese Nikkei is down over 3 percent. Similar situation is happening in China and the Chinese stock market is also down as investors fear that the situation can get worse in the next few weeks. At the same time, the US futures have been rising in value as they are now cheaper to buy. The government has been pumping money to keep everything intact even if the real economy and the supply chains are have been slowed down by the ongoing fear. However, no one cares anyway; “please hold the panic” says the Wall Street journal. Yesterday the United States treasury secretary gladly overstepped his boundaries to say that the central bank will of course cut down the short term interest rates if the impact of the outbreak grows. On the other side, much has also been happening in the global bond yields.

The 10 years US Treasuries hit a low of 1.36 percent although we are now a little higher at 1.39 percent along with the equity futures. The market is now expecting the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates later in the year. In the meantime, we just have around $40 billion in new Federal Reserve repo madness to tide up in the next few days. In China, the stock market has also been hit hard by the epidemic and this has caused the beginning of this stock market crash.

The Shanghai composite (SHCOMP) has lost more than 5.6 percent of its value in this week and this has been the worst performance by the index since April 2019. Various benchmark indexes in South Korea and Australia have also lost a significant percentage of their value. The European stock market too has suffered and the Germany index (DAX) has dropped by nearly 5 percent. When this is put into perspective, the global financial markets had their worse week since the global financial crisis. The MSCI index which tracks the share of some of the largest companies in the world has already lost 8.9 percentage decline of its value; this turns out to be the worst percentage drop since the market crash of 2008.

Major investors have been spooked by increase in the number of warnings from various global companies like Apple, Disney, Microsoft, IAG and others whose businesses have been hit by the outbreak. The outbreak has reduced the demands of various goods and services and at the same time the global supply systems are facing some disruptions. Major firms are reporting a reduction in business activities. It is very clear that the panic caused by this outbreak is really crushing businesses and financial markets and leads to a major stock market crash all around the world.

So, what do you do?

Here is the scenario.  “Government agencies are having difficulty making their payments.  State governments are issuing vouchers to pay their bills.  US Social Security is late in issuing its payments to retirees and the disabled.  Many banks are issuing warnings about liquidity.   The prices of food are escalating by the hour.  Instead of talking about the latest inane reality TV show, everyone is talking about inflation, money, mass layoffs, etc.  It is 5 days before the economic collapse.”   So, what do you do?

Our current recession/depression is slow creeping at this point towards a bad outcome.  Although I believe US and Canada are still 3 to 5 years away from an economic collapse, I woefully believe that the collapse is coming.  Euro will collapse first.  Greece,Italy, China and Spain have already collapsed.  Italy and Portugal are soon to collapse next.  Having this insight, I have been preparing vigorously for the past 2 years.

During these past 2 years, I have often thought about what the last 5 days would look like before a collapse.  Because governments will do everything and anything to delay the onset of an economic collapse, as they should, I believe the problem will build to a dramatic point, where the economy will fall off a ledge very quickly.  With the US Federal Government running $1 trillion dollar deficits for the past 3 years, how long can that continue?   As some point in time, no foreign government or domestic entity will want to buy US Federal debt.

Then the only option is for the US Federal Reserve to generate artificial money, not backed by tax revenues nor by any tangible assets, in order for the Fed to buy US Federal debt.  At some point in time, the continual injection of fiat currencies will trigger a hyper-inflation period.  At that point in time, the spiral towards economic collapse will accelerate.

There are 5 key foods that should be part of every long-term food storage plan.

1# Wheat — Properly stored, wheat has the best long-term storage potential for common foods.  Hard Red Wheat berries have a 30+ storage life.  Be store to store the pre-ground wheat, which are called wheat berries.  Once ground into flour, it last only about one year.  Soft red wheat berries stores up to 20 years.   The white soft and hard wheat berries stores for 10 or less years.  For your critical long-term preps, stick with hard red wheat.   Be sure to have a wheat grind on hand, so that may flour from the stored wheat berries.  If you allergic to wheat, consider oats or quinoa instead.

2# Salt — This is not so much a food, but rather an essential mineral needed by your body.  If kept dry and sealed, salt has an endless storage life.   I store two types of salt.  Pure salt, or often called canning salt, has no iodine.  I reserve the canning salt for food preservation.  Before refrigeration, meat, fish and cheese were storable due to salt preservation.   And I store several pounds of salt with iodine added for cooking and table usage.  Salt is an item that is often overlooked in food storage.  Yet is has so many usage and is vital to good health.  Both too much and too little salt is bad for your health.

3# Sugar (or honey) — Pure white sugar and honey, if properly stored, never expires.  Keep sugar in a sealed container, and it never goes bad.   For more preps, I storeDomino’s sugar that is already pre-sealed in 4 pound plastic canisters.    Honey is best stored in glass jars in a cool, dark place.  If honey crystallizes over time, just warm it a bit to become fluid again.  Honey has a lot of micro-nutrients, and is my preferred way to store sugar for the long-term.  Occasionally, my local drug store, CVS, has the Dominos 4 pound canisters on sale or I might buy with CVS extra-bucks.

4# Rice — White rice, if sealed in cans with oxygen absorbers, can have a 20 year storage life.  Brown rice has a storage life of around 5 years.  White rice is simply brown rice with the husk removed.  Brown rice has more flavor and more nutrition.  But white rice stores longer, since the husk of brown rice has small amounts of oil within that go bad much quicker.  What I like about storing rice is the amount of dense calories it provides.   Rice is easier to prepare versus grinding wheat berries.  A cups of white rice plus of vegetables from your garden makes a filling meal.  Many people don’t realize the rice has some protein.  Rice combined with beans provides all the protein your body needs.

5# Powdered milk — If you have children, this is a key food to store.  Regular powdered milk has a shelf life of 2 years.  If packed in meal cans by a reliable vendor, powdered milk can be stored for 5 or more years.   Fat free powdered milk stores a bit long.  Most baking recipes call for milk, of which powdered milk is an adequate substitute.  My favorite powdered milk for long-term storage is Future Essentials Canned Powdered Homestyle Creamery Milk Substitute and Honeyville’s powdered milk.

The Conspiracy Of The New World Order World War 3 The Secret

The genocidal depopulation plan generally involves poisoning or sterilizing people through the use of chem. trails or water fluoridation. Agribusinesses transnational like Monsanto are often implicated in some sort of scheme to monopolize the world’s food supply so it can be easily tainted with deadly toxins. Just about anything that can be said to involve “chemicals” can be implicated in this nefarious scheme: vaccines, alleged covert geo-engineering schemes, genetically modified food, etc. Variants of the theory include those with an anti-abortion tinge who incorporate conspiracy theories about Planned Parenthood, and AIDS conspiracy theorists who believe AIDS was concocted in a laboratory for the purpose of reducing the population. Another variant, largely attributable to Lyndon La Roche, has worldwide nuclear war as part of the conspirators’ alleged plan along with a deliberate economic collapse and de-industrialization to force the world back into a “new dark age.”

These are the 5 basic long-term foods that should be the beginning of your long-term food storage plan.

A couple honorable mentions are dried beans, TVP (textured vegetable protein typically made from soy beans), dried pasta, freeze-dried meats, dehydrated vegetables, dehydrated fruits.

The truly best long-term food plan is your own garden.

With Summer harvests coming in, now is the time to start home canning.  The canning season is upon us.  I’m a big gruff city boy who learned how to do home canning.  My blueberry jam is fabulous.  If I can learn, anyone can learn to do home canning.

In good times and bad, many your family always have enough to eat.

This is a video put out by fema that I thought was important to repost. There are so many disasters going on in the world right now, it would be very wise to prepare for anything. Earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, economic collapse, hurricanes, you name it.

Are you worried about your future? Are you worried by the many disasters that you face in your everyday life? Worry no more. The Lost Ways comes in to solve your woes. This program was created by Davis Claude and its major role is to prepare and teach you how to handle worst-case scenarios using the least independence. This program will therefore motivate you to protect your family and friends during the worst period without the help of the modern technology.

Remember, calamities are everywhere: at work, home, school and many other places. These calamities cause tension and leads to a decrease in productivity. This may finally lead to a reduction in life. Fortunately, the lost ways review will provide solutions to these situations. It will give you thetips for preparing yourselfwhen nothing seems to go as expected.

Generally, most people are optimistic. This makes them unprepared for failure. However, the best thing is to prepare for worst times. It is important to tell your kids about earthquakes, fire outbreaks, extreme weather conditions and other calamities. Tell them how to deal with these calamities in case they occur.

Knowledge will be your best weapon against this invisible threat. The information inside “Pandemic Protocol” will melt away your fears and anxiety about the virus. Everything you will discover inside is focused on how to keep the infection out of your home and your family safe.

Carnivore’s Bible (is a wellknown meat processor providing custom meat processing services locally andacross the state of Montana and more. Whether your needs are for domestic meator wild game meat processing)

The Lost Book of Remedies PDF ( contains a series of medicinal andherbal recipes to make home made remedies from medicinal plants and herbs.Chromic diseases and maladies can be overcome  by taking the remediesoutlined in this book. The writer claims that his grandfather was taughtherbalism and healing whilst in active service during world war twoand that he has treated many soldiers with his home made cures. )

Easy Cellar(Info about building and managing your root cellar, plus printable plans. The book on building and using root cellars – The Complete Root Cellar Book.)

The Lost Ways (Learn the long forgotten secrets that helped our forefathers survive famines,wars,economic crisis and anything else life threw at them)

LOST WAYS 2 ( Wordof the day: Prepare! And do it the old fashion way, like our fore-fathers did it and succeed longbefore us,because what lies ahead of us will require all the help we can get. Watch this video and learn the 3 skills that ensured our ancestors survival in hard times offamine and war.)

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