Self Defense

11 Warning Signs Someone Is Going to Attack You — Streetwise Defence

11 Warning Signs Someone Is Going to Attack You — Streetwise Defence

2) Body Language

Noticing the body language of people around you is really important, and this works closely alongside gut instinct. If you spot body language that feels out of place, weird or just wrong, then pay very close attention.

It is actually very hard for people to hide their true intention through body language.

Here are some warning signs to look out for with body language:

  • Fidgeting and edgy movements. Moving around a lot is a sign of nervous energy – this is a red flag that the attacker might be experiencing the adrenaline and nerves before striking

  • If they are close to you and interacting with you, look out for gesturing and posturing, that can signal the intent to make a move

  • The clenching of a fist, a tight jaw and a furrowed brow are all signs of a possible attack.

3) Concealed hand(S)

Can you see their hands? Are their hands fully open? If you can’t see both hands and all fingers then you need to think about what they might be concealing.

If their hand is in a pocket, behind their back or hidden behind anything at all, it could potentially be holding a knife, gun, acid or some other weapon.

4) Clearing hands

Another one to watch out for is someone clearing their hands. Perhaps they are zipping their phone in their pocket, pulling their trousers up or even dropping a bag or item onto the floor. This clearing of the hands is a signal that they are preparing to use them to attack or fight.

5) Abnormal eye movement

Eyes are a giveaway but if you can see their eyes then they are already too close for comfort.

An attacker will often scan their victim as they are assessing them and deciding if they are an easy target.

If they want to mug you then they may be furtively glancing at the item they want to steal – perhaps your bag, an expensive watch or your phone.

Alternatively, they could be staring intently at you in a predatory or aggressive manner.

Immediately before striking, they may also look around them to check that the area is clear for them to make their move.

6) Asking you a question

A tactic that attackers may use is making contact with you by asking you a question or having an interaction with you. This could be asking for the time, directions or giving a story about losing something etc.

This tactic is them ‘interviewing’ you to decide if you fit their profile, if you are switched on and ultimately to decide if you are an easy target.

It can also be a way of them getting close enough to initiate the attack or to distract you so that someone else can attack you.

7) Disturbed natural flow of movement

There is a natural flow of movement to any environment, if you are drawn to someone or something that does not fit, pay attention.

An abnormality in the natural flow of the world around you will trigger a reaction in you. This could be a gut instinct type of reaction or your focus might directed at one individual (or a group) in a crowd who doesn’t quite fit – there is something unnatural about the way they are behaving.

You might not be able to pinpoint why at the time but your subconscious knows and is there to look after you.

Ask yourself; is that right for where we are? And if not then do something about it.

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