
The Liberal Media Mafia vs. Matt Taibbi – The American Spectator


Nice career you got going there, Matt Taibbi. It would be a shame if anything happened to it.

That, in essence, is the message of liberal journalists who are livid that longtime journalist Taibbi (a veteran of Rolling Stone and now the publisher of the Substack newsletter TK News) has taken on the task of publishing Elon Musk’s Twitter revelations — decided news that reveals just how badly Twitter was corrupted in its attempts to silence former President Donald Trump and anyone else not in the liberal media mafia.

The New York Post made a point of focusing on these authoritarian censors and their reaction to Taibbi, who had the gall to publish genuine news. The Post’s headline said, “Left-wing journos attack reporter Matt Taibbi for exposing Musk’s Twitter files.”

The list of “journalists” acting more like mafia foot soldiers were listed as:

  • Ben Collins — NBC News
  • Wajahat Ali — New York Times and Daily Beast contributor
  • Chris Hayes — MSNBC
  • Brandy Zadrozny — NBC News
  • Jacob Silverman — New Republic

Doubtless there are many more “journalists” like this. But let’s be clear. These are not journalists. They are left-wing activists pretending to be journalists. And the Left being what it is — authoritarian and pro-censorship (among other things) — it is not surprising in the least that they would target Taibbi for having the nerve — the nerve! — to pull back the curtain and reveal the nitty-gritty details of just how the tech giant had been run pre-Musk when in the hands of even more left-wing mafia types, in this case in the world of Big Tech.

That there is, to borrow from President Ronald Reagan’s description of the Soviet Union, an “evil empire” composed of leftist journalists and their allies in both the Democratic Party and the federal bureaucracy is without question.

They function very much like the actual mafia families — divided into different families (the media, Big Tech, government agencies, academia, Hollywood, woke corporations, etc.) — but united in their purpose. That purpose would be to destroy Trump and any and all conservatives — aka average Americans — who have the gall to dissent from left-wing theology.

Just take Hollywood. Here’s a recent Fox News headline involving actor James Woods, who has the nerve to be a conservative:

James Woods fires back at Twitter, vows to sue over censorship on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’

Woods says his Hollywood career was ruined by censorship following his speaking out on Hunter Biden’s laptop

Think of that. James Woods is one of the most talented actors on the planet. I’ve never met him, but, as an extra in the movie Contact, in which he played a thuggish U.S. senator going after the characters played by Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughey, I had the opportunity to watch him work close up. He is a serious professional’s professional.

Yet there went the thugs of the liberal media, in this case the Democratic National Committee and Twitter, going out of their way to censor Woods and ruin his career. No wonder he intends to sue. Good for him.

But this decidedly serious problem goes way beyond Woods and Hollywood. This is about all these lefties having control over the flow of what should be free and open communication in this country. Whether it’s the staff of New York publisher Simon & Schuster demanding that former Vice President Mike Pence’s memoir So Help Me God not be published or the staff of the New York Times demanding the resignation of opinion editor James Bennet because he had the audacity to publish an opinion piece headlined “Send In the Troops” on the Black Lives Matter riots by Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton, the Left’s instinct, first, last, and always, is the use of the authoritarian’s iron fist to silence dissent.

It’s safe to say that this problem is not going away anytime soon. And it is indeed a real threat to democracy.

So three cheers for the gutsy Matt Taibbi — and certainly for Elon Musk.

And as for those thug activists trying to shut down both? We’re on to you. And we know you’re not alone, either.

Speak up, Joe Biden. Speak up.

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