Self Defense

When They Come For You, What Will You Do?

When They Come For You, What Will You Do?

As the Bad Boys theme song plays in the background, the question is, “what will you do when they come for you?”  Yesterday’s mob violence against our State Capital is simply the precursor to an increase in domestic terrorism and violence that can be expected in the United States in the upcoming years.

This is not hyperbole.  Terrorism feeds off of lies, conspiracies, disinformation, and hatred.  And in the past five years, all of these things have been stoked to the nth degree

This has nothing to do with politics or what side you find yourself on.  This has to do with your own personal safety and that of your family.

Mahatma Gandhi urged individuals to practice what he called “satyagraha,” or truth force.  It is said that “satyagraha” is a weapon of the strong; it admits of no violence under any circumstances what so ever; and it ALWAYS insists upon truth.

Failure of Imagination

Listening to the pundits yesterday and today the same question keeps getting asked, “why was no one prepared for this?”  Do we chalk this up to a failure of imagination? 


The reality is, EVERYONE with any sense of Situational AWARENESS knew and forecasted that this was going to happen.  That violence was going to be the end result of this gathering.  Choosing not to plan for it, well, that’s just another problem.

And the question to you is, have you planned how to defend yourself against violence when the mob decides to turn on you?  Will you trust your INTUITION to get you out before you have to resort to hand to hand self defense?

2021 will bring us more challenges to our personal safety.  Be sure you know what to do to defend and keep you and your family safe.

For more information on our programs, please feel free to check out our Seminar & Training Sessions.

Angie M. Tarighi is the CEO & Founder of Women’s Self-Defense Institute and has been teaching women’s self-defense programs for over 20 years. She is a tireless advocate of self-reliance and responsibility, encouraging women to actively protect life through awareness and education.

Angie created Women’s Self-Defense Institute to share information, resources, products, training and advice about safety and survival to women nationally & internationally coping with a dangerous world. Angie brings humor and real world examples to her training empowering women to tap into their own strengths and become their own best self-defense advocates.

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