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“We’re Witnessing Evil Trying to Burn this Country to the Ground” – Christina Bobb on the Communist Left Today – Survival Magazine & News

“We’re Witnessing Evil Trying to Burn this Country to the Ground” – Christina Bobb on the Communist Left Today – Survival Magazine & News

Christina Bobb, President Trump’s attorney, has released a new book available for sale now at Amazon.  Her book is titled – Stealing Your Vote.

Bobb discussed this and the current Maricopa situation with Joe Hoft on the Joe Hoft Show at

Christina Bobb knows more about the 2020 Election than anyone in her profession.  During her time with OAN she traveled the country and met with numerous individuals and learned what happened in the 2020 Election.

The attorney, now working for President Trump, knows the players in Maricopa County elections very well after spending months there in 2021 during the Maricopa Audit in the county.

TRENDING: BREAKING: Kari Lake Files 70 Page Lawsuit to Throw Out Fraudulent Arizona Midterm Election Results – Claims HUNDREDS of Thousands of Illegal Ballots, 59% of ED Precinct Machine Failures, Tens of Thousands of Illicit Mail-in Ballots – FILING INCLUDED

Christina was on Joe Hoft’s new radio show at this week.  She discussed her new book available for sale now at Amazon titled “Stealing Your Vote“.

Bobb also discussed the activities going on in Maricopa starting at the 16:00 mark in the clip below.  She shared in part the following:

The left we are witnessing reminds her of the saying “An evil person will burn their country to the ground just to rule over the ashes.”

“We’re witnessing evil trying to burn this country to the ground.”

“The world bought it, oh we need to be tolerant and now we’re tollerating evil.”

Bobb has hope because she knows Americans aren’t buying what the left is selling.

“The few radical fringe have managed to take over our country.”

Next Bobb talked about the Maricopa lawsuit filed by Kari Lake.  She points out that based on recent information coming out through various channels indicates that Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer was working to prevent Trump-backed candidates from winning the 2022 election.

Listen to the entire discussion below.

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