“The ideal of a constitutional republic is individual liberty. In this century, great strides have been made toward the goal of subverting our republic, and transforming it into a democracy. The foremost tactic of the subverters is subversion of “language” — by calling America a democracy, until people thoughtlessly accept the term, and use the term. Totalitarians have obscured the real meanings and principles of American government.”
— Dan Smoot
What a great video!
I heard it for the first time a few weeks ago on FascistBook. I think you will want to hear it yourself, and then share it as widely as possible.
First, a question. Do YOU believe the United States is a democracy…in ANY way. If you do, prepare to be educated.
Your comments would be most welcome…
My dear wife Annie and I, married a year back then, still together 40 years later…
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