Self Defense

EVKM Krav Maga Brown and Black Belt Ceremony

EVKM Krav Maga Brown and Black Belt Ceremony

On September 6th, EVKM held a special ceremony to recognize and honor the new Krav Maga Brown and Black Belts!

With a packed room full of EVKM members supporting and cheering on their fellow classmates, Keith and Sara received their Brown Belts and KC and Ivvette received their Black Belts.

All four of them had completed rigorous physical testing in the weeks prior following 5-6 years of consistent training at EVKM in Tempe.

In addition, EVKM Chief Instructor Derrek was recognized for recently earning his 3rd Degree Krav Maga black belt that he received from Krav Maga Alliance Founder John Whitman.

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