Dr. Joseph Fraiman calls for immediate suspension of mRNA COVID vaccine due to serious adverse events.
During a COVID-19 EU hearing last October, Pfizer’s President of International Developed Markets, Janine Small, admitted that the vaccine had never been tested on its ability to prevent transmission, contrary to what was previously advertised.
During the hearing, when asked by Dutch politician Ross if the Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market, Janine Small responded while smiling,
“Regarding the question around did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market? No. We have to really move at the speed of science to really understand what is taking place in the market.”
This statement was confirmed by an unredacted Pfizer agreement from a FOIA request with the Slovenian government.
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“The Participating Member State acknowledges that the Vaccine and materials related to the Vaccine, and their components and constituent materials are being rapidly developed due to the emergency circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to be studied after provision of the Vaccine to the Participating Member States under the APA,” according to the documents.
“The Participating Member State further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects from the Vaccine that are not currently known.”
Pfizer clearly states in the supply contract that the injections are not going to be the same as the clinical trial injections AND it has no clue as to long-term effects or efficacy AND there may be unknown adverse effects that are, presumably, ABOVE and BEYOND the adverse event rate of 24% in the injected group of 21,900 in the Pfizer phase 3 clinical trials v 6% in the 21,900 placebo group in those trials.
According to FDA Surveillance Data, the Pfizer COVID vaccine increases the risk of lung blood clots by 50%.
FDA finally admitted Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine had been linked to blood clotting in older individuals based on the result of one of the largest studies of elderly persons aged 65 years and above.
In November, The Gateway Pundit reported that big pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Moderna have both begun clinical tests to investigate whether or not the use of their experimental COVID vaccines may have any long-term adverse effects on a person’s health.
On Monday, Dr. Joseph Fraiman, the lead author of peer-reviewed research re-examining Pfizer and Moderna trials on the mRNA vaccine, called for the vaccine to be suspended immediately due to serious harm.
According to U.S. News Health, “Dr. Joseph Fraiman is an emergency medicine physician in New Orleans, Louisiana and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Lallie Kemp Medical Center and St. Bernard Parish Hospital. He received his medical degree from Weill Cornell Medicine and has been in practice between 11-20 years.”
A clinical scientist and emergency medicine physician who “diagnoses and treats patients with life-threatening conditions like heart attack, drug overdose, shock, or massive bleeding.”
Below is the excerpt:
I was the lead author of a peer-reviewed study that reanalyzed the original Pfizer and the Moderna clinical trials for the messenger RNA COVID-19 vaccines.
We found the vaccine increased serious adverse events at a rate of one in 800.
At the time of publication, my co-authors and I did not believe our single study warranted the withdrawal of the messenger RNA vaccines from the market.
However, since its publication, multiple new pieces of evidence have come to light, and this has caused me to reevaluate my position.
An article published in the BMJ regarding the FDA’s own observational surveillance data found the messenger RNAs were associated with multiple of the exact same serious adverse events identified in our original study.
But the FDA had failed to inform the public of these findings.
In addition, now we have multiple autopsy studies that find essentially conclusive evidence that the vaccines are inducing sudden cardiac deaths.
Yet the rate of these vaccine-induced deaths remains unknown.
While many nations that have been using the messenger RNA vaccines have experienced an increase in excess mortality. More people dying than should be expected from past years.
And this correlates in time with the initial vaccine rollout and then with the subsequent booster campaign.
Nations with higher messenger RNA vaccine uptake have correlations with higher rates of excess mortality. While the cause of this excess mortality is not known, researchers analyzing this data were unable to identify any other reasonable cause of the excess death other than the vaccines.
Given now the omicron variant is less virulent and is able to evade much of the protection offered by the vaccines, this creates a situation where the benefits of the vaccine have been dramatically reduced for hospitalization and death.
Together, this information calls into question if the vaccine’s benefits are outweighing the harm.
I believe, given the information, the messenger RNA vaccines need to be withdrawn from the market until new randomized controlled trials can clearly demonstrate the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the serious harm now we know the vaccines are causing.
Watch the video below:
“For those asking for references to my statement regarding withdrawing the mRNA vaccines, I listed them in the description of the video here,” Dr. Fraiman wrote.
You can read the full study here and below:
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