
17 Best Home Fortification Tactics To Stop Break-Ins – Survival Magazine & News

17 Best Home Fortification Tactics To Stop Break-Ins – Survival Magazine & News

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8. Cacti

These are nature’s barbed wire fences. During the Spanish colonization of the Americas, Spaniards would plant Mesquite around the perimeters of their homes.

This gangly, wild-looking cactus would grow to well over 8 feet tall. It can serve as a perfect means of protection against unwelcome intruders.

Don’t underestimate a well-placed thorn bush or Cacti beneath your first-floor windows. I don’t care how motivated you are to break in; nobody wants to get stuck with a bunch of thorns trying.

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Don’t Allow Anyone To Peer In Your Windows When You’re Not At Home and At Night

9. Blend In – Don’t Stick Out

Eye-catching, expensive-looking houses are more likely to become targets. So do your best to keep your home flying under the radar.

You do not have to paint the house with a camouflage green to achieve this (actually, that would stick out worse in most neighborhoods). Just avoid bright colors and stick to more natural hues. Park your vehicles in garages, around the back, or hide them under tarps.

Also, use window blinds or curtains to keep outsiders from seeing valuables or expensive items you might have.

Train Your Family

No sane individual would knowingly break into a house full of highly trained, sharp-shooting badasses.

Not only does a well-trained clan deter potential intruders, but it also ensures that every family member is capable of self-defense.

This alone will grant you some semblance of peace of mind. But before you ship your relatives off to an army boot camp, do everything you can to prepare them with simpler means first.

10. Take Your Family Shooting

It can be survival air rifles, .22s, .357s, or AK-47s, or even a survival bow. You’ve done your job as long as you get your loved ones to understand how guns work, how to use them, and how to stay safe with them.

Shooting is a great skill everyone should learn. It is useful for hunting and imperative for effective self-defense.

11. Martial Arts

Enrolling in a martial arts school is one of the best things you can do to prepare yourself for a home invasion.

I’d rather have a firearm than not, but I won’t be a sitting duck if I end up unarmed.

Picking a specific style can be difficult. Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Mui Thai, and Jiu-Jitsu are all decent options to get started.

12. Melee Weapons

A simple kitchen knife, baseball bat, or golf club can become an effective self-defense weapon. But only if it’s in the hands of someone who knows how to use it effectively.

Bottom line: Your entire family should be both physically and mentally prepared to keep intruders at bay.

As A Way To Introduce You To Skilled Survival, We’re Giving Away Our #78 Item Complete Prepper Checklist. Click Here To Get Your FREE Copy Of It.
Dead Bolt Locks 2

Don’t Go Cheap On Front Or Back Door Locks

Home Fortification Focus On The High Risk and Weak Points First

It might seem intuitive to you, but you’d be surprised how many people are shocked when burglars gain access to their homes. Normally it’s through an unlocked window or a fragile sliding glass door!

Let’s break it down statistically and take a look. Here are the top seven common points of access criminals use to invade homes:

  • 34% – Through the front door
  • 23% – Through the first-floor windows
  • 22% – Through a back door
  •   9% – Through the garage
  •   6% – Though unlocked storage areas
  •   4% – Through basement or window
  •   2% – Through the second-floor window

Obviously, the most important places to fortify are the front and back doors. Next are all the first-floor windows.

But don’t stop there; you should reinforce all possible entry points for maximum security.

13. Reinforcing Front/Back Doors

Since most break-ins occur through doors or windows – that’s where you should spend most of your efforts!

Armor Concepts Door Armor

Door Reinforcement Armor

Armor Concepts sells door armor! Door Armor is a patented door security device that reinforces your existing doors’ weak points.

So you should always reinforce those points of entry as best as you can. These products help you do just that!

And the cost of these products is very reasonable if you ask me – especially for what you get –> “insane peace of mind.”

Watch the following video on how well this door reinforcement device works.

Door Armor Independent Security Testing

Window Security Film

Window Security Film

First, if you’re serious about protecting your windows – you should read our article about Security Window FilmIt covers many details we don’t have time to discuss here…

In general, there are several types of film and other window solutions, such as burglar bars, riot glass, or security screens.

But for most people who want a quick, good-looking window security upgrade, window security film is your best bet.

15. Securing Your Walls

Usually, walls do not present a problem … unless the hulk is trying to break into your home (in which case: GOOD LUCK). But if someone decides to start shooting at the exterior of your home, drywall and wooden studs will not save you.

Brick or stone walls are the best for mitigating this threat. But leave yourself “loopholes.” These are small openings from which you can see and shoot without being seen or shot at.

16. Block Up Those Chimneys

Who knows, right? Maybe someone is so intent on breaking into your home that they decide to take the ash-tunnel route.

If you are in extreme danger and must fortify to the greatest extent possible, block up your chimney. You don’t want any bad Santas coming down the pipes.

As A Way To Introduce You To Skilled Survival, We’re Giving Away Our #78 Item Complete Prepper Checklist. Click Here To Get Your FREE Copy Of It.

Tactitcal Walls

17. The Best Defense is a Good Offense

Ensure you are well-armed and equipped to manage a home invasion situation. Planting trees, painting the house, and getting a German Shepard is great, but it is not always enough on their own.

You need to outfit your home fortification with as much firepower and ammunition as is necessary.

If you are serious about home defense (and you should be), set some booby traps on your property. Simple things like tripwires with bells attached can be enough to alert you to intruders. But please, do not set up any lethal traps inside your house.

First off, they are highly illegal. People have died at their own hands because they set off a booby trap they themselves set. Be careful when you set traps. If you are not vigilant, you might catch yourself.

DIY Perimeter Defense – Area Dential Devices

Warning Sign

Home Fortification – A Final Warning

Here is the rub: if someone is 100% determined to enter your home and rob you (or cause bodily harm), they probably can.

That is unless you have a well-defended, best-prepared bulletproof home, it can be broken into if a large enough group coordinates an attack. So you have 2 choices.

  1. Work towards making your home bulletproof.
  2. Have a backup plan if you cannot get it up to bulletproof standards. Specify a “bug-out-location” with your family or roommates so you can regroup should your defenses fall.

Which leads to the next dark truth. You may be unable to stay in your house forever if you’re unprepared. This is especially true if you find yourself in an urban city during an End Of The World As We Know It scenario.

Areas with higher populations are more susceptible to violent riots and high crime levels. So if you live in a big city or around many people, developing a backup plan is certainly in your best interest.

Evacuation doesn’t have to be bad; change can be overcome if you plan on it.

With luck, you’ll never have to defend your home from anyone or anything. That’s the hope.

But if things go south and you must defend your home, you can ensure you are prepared to the highest degree.

Will Brendza

P.s. Are you ready for the tough times ahead?

Find out now by taking my short Readiness Score Quiz – it’s absolutely free.
Once complete, you’ll know exactly where you stand on the “fragile” vs.” resilient” spectrum.

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