Self Defense

Krav Maga is the best self-defense for the streets. | Krav Maga

Crime is sensationalized. There’s no other way to put it. It’s major news all of the time. In a way it should be because people should be aware of what’s going on around them. Awareness can be an asset and can help reduce the chances that someone is actually going to have to use any sort of self-defense training in real life.

Unfortunately the constant sensationalism of crime, violence, and destruction has really caused it to be something ubiquitous. It’s always there. It never goes away. So people learn to live with it and actually become somewhat desensitized or less aware.

The only way to really know how dangerous it is in your “streets”, or in your neighborhood, or in some place that you plan to go, is to research it. Get out ahead of it. Two of the best resources for this are apps like Citizen and NextDoor.

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