Prep News

SIMPLY THE BEST: Kari Lake Challenges Katie Hobbs to Debate on The View with Joy Behar and Whoopi as Moderators (VIDEO) – Survival Magazine & News

SIMPLY THE BEST: Kari Lake Challenges Katie Hobbs to Debate on The View with Joy Behar and Whoopi as Moderators (VIDEO) – Survival Magazine & News

Last week Project Veritas Action released new undercover footage of radical leftist Arizona gubernatorial nominee Katie Hobbs running from a black reporter. Reporter RC Maxwell confronted Hobbs outside of a restaurant, scaring the hell out of her. Hobbs immediately packed her bag and stood up in such a hurry to run away that she spilled her drink all over the place like an unstable maniac. In the PVA video Katie’s campaign insiders also reveal why they are keeping Hobbs from the debate stage. She is unstable and nervous.

There’s something wrong with Katie Hobbs.

Katie Hobbs has been running from reporters for years now. She is running her campaign from her basement and refuses to debate Republican Kari Lake out of sheer terror.

On Saturday Kari Lake upped the ante on Katie Hobbs. Kari Lake challenged no-show Katie Hobbs to a debate on The View with far-left anti-American wackjobs Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg as moderators.

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Kari Lake is bold as hell. She is a grassroots dream. She is the future of the Republican Party and WE LOVE IT!

Katie Hobbs won’t do it. She is unable to debate Kari Lake. She is too frightened. There is something wrong with Katie Hobbs. She is always running away.

Kari Lake: “In case she’s watching, Katie I will debate you on a stage. I will debate you in a parking lot. I will debate you in a library. I will debate you in a bar. I will debate you in a car. I will debate you on CNN. I will debate you on MSNBC. I’ll even debate you on The View and let Joy Behar and Whoopi ask the questions!”

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