
Herschel Walker Win Would Buoy Black-Republican Fortunes – The American Spectator

A few years ago, I typed the words “Republicans are…” into Google. The search engine’s autofill function chimed in, “…racist.”

That reflexive answer echoed what voters hear all the time from the Left.

“Republicans Go Full Racist on Crime,” a headline in the Nation complained last October. The Left expects Americans to endure crime in silence. Those who prefer not to get robbed, raped, or killed: racists!

Esquire declared in September, “The Republicans Built a Time Machine, Powered by Racism.”

When Republican Glenn Youngkin was elected governor in November 2021, former Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean snarled, “Racism still works in Virginia.”

Yup! Those same racist Youngkin voters picked Republican Winsome Sears as lieutenant governor. She is a black, Jamaican-born Marine Corps veteran. Bigots!

They also elected Republican Jason Miyares, who is Hispanic, as their next attorney general. Such prejudice!

And President Joe Biden, America’s Uniter-in-Chief, accused Republicans who favor election integrity of perpetrating “Jim Crow 2.0” and compared them to the Confederacy’s President Jefferson Davis.

Never mind that the Republican Party was founded to end slavery, even as Democrats launched the Civil War to perpetuate it.

Never mind that Republicans broke the segregationist-Democratic filibuster and sent the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to Democratic President Lyndon Baines Johnson for his signature.

Never mind that Republicans fight beside blacks for school choice (while Democrats and their teachers-union allies battle them relentlessly).

And never mind that the pro-growth policies of President Donald J. Trump and the Republican 115th Congress launched an economic boom in which blacks achieved record-low unemployment and poverty — before COVID-19 ruined everything.

Nope! Despite all of this, Republicans are racist.

How can Republicans resist this filthiest of lies?

They can act today:

Elect Herschel Walker to the U.S. Senate in Georgia’s runoff election.

Walker’s defeat of incumbent Raphael Warnock would retire a far-left Democrat who votes with Biden 96 percent of the time and who earned a big fat F — as in “Fail” — from the National Taxpayers Union, thanks to his fiscal incontinence.

Walker’s victory also would provide an overwhelming response every time the View’s Joy Behar or MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow whines, “Republicans are racist!”

Imagine having two black Republicans in the Senate — Walker and South Carolina’s Tim Scott — versus just one black Democrat, namely New Jersey’s Cory Booker.

“Hmmm … two black Republicans in the Senate and just one black Democrat? Rachel, what was that about Republican racists?”

The appropriate answer: “Humina, humina, humina…”

Something approaching a Congressional Black-Republican Caucus is emerging. If Walker wins, he will join Scott and Reps. Byron Donalds of Florida, Burgess Owens of Utah, and incoming freshmen Wesley Hunt of Texas and John James of Michigan. At either five or six, as FiveThirtyEight’s Alex Samuels explains, this will be the biggest number of black Republicans on Capitol Hill since 1877.

These gentlemen can help spread the GOP and conservative messages among black voters across America. This could prove priceless in swing states in 2024. Even a marginal increase in black Americans’ recent move away from Democrats and toward the GOP could nudge, say, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and/or Wisconsin into the Republican column, along with their priceless Electoral College votes.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) explained movingly why a Walker victory is vital.

“They’re trying to destroy Herschel to deter young men and women of color from being Republicans. If they destroy Herschel, it will deter people of color from wanting to be a conservative Republican because you just have your life ruined,” Graham told Fox News host Sean Hannity on Nov. 10.

“If Herschel wins,” a visibly emotional Graham continued, “he’s going to inspire people all over Georgia of color to become Republicans, and I say all over the United States.”

“Herschel Walker is a nightmare for liberals,” Graham added. “He’s an African-American conservative. They have belittled him. They have treated him like crap.”

“The conservative movement for people of color is on the ballot in Georgia,” Graham concluded, his eyes welling up on air. “We must help people like Herschel for the benefit of our country and the future of conservatism. Please!”

Walker should win. But can he?

Walker supporters have every right to be nervous, especially after Election Day’s red wave shrank to a red ripple. That said, Walker fans should find David Catron’s analysis in The American Spectator soothing. He discovered that early runoff votes in Warnock’s strongholds dropped dramatically from Nov. 8’s levels.

“In Fulton County, for example, in-person votes were down 95,970 (33.8 percent),” Catron explained. “Likewise, Gwinnett County declined by 43,258 (25.1 percent), Dekalb County dropped by 34,186 (18.0 percent), and Cobb County decreased by 33,923 (18.8 percent).”

This totals 207,337 Warnock voters from Election Day who did not cast ballots during Democrat-rich early voting. That Warnock shortfall far exceeds Walker’s 36,465-vote deficit on Nov. 8. If Walker’s Election Day voters all stick with him on Runoff Day, and the incumbent’s missing backers don’t turn out today, Warnock could be in a heap of trouble.

In another glimmer of hope for Walker, voters over age 50 cast 70.5 percent of these early ballots. Those 50 and below submitted just 29.5 percent. An AARP poll found that Georgians over age 50 favored Walker by 9 percent. Overall, ceteris paribus, this would seem to suggest a 6.3 percent edge for him in early votes. If true, and if Herschel Walker romps on Election Day, when Republicans tend to dominate in-person voting, then this Georgian might find himself on a midnight train to Washington.

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News contributor.

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