
Georgia Runoff Election Results: Polls Closed at 7 PM – Warnock Pulls into Lead with 71% Precincts Reporting – Survival Magazine & News

Georgia Runoff Election Results: Polls Closed at 7 PM – Warnock Pulls into Lead with 71% Precincts Reporting – Survival Magazine & News

Today is the US Senate runoff election in Georgia between American sports hero Herschel Walker and far-left radical Raphael Warnock.

Every top Republican in the state of Georgia won their race by ten points in the midterm elections. But for some reason the Socialist radical Warnock edged out Herschel Walker, an American hero, in their US Senate race. It was very interesting.

Today Herschel is in a runoff with Warnock and needs to win by over 50%.

For some reason the state that was always a reliable red state flipped to Joe Biden and Democrats in the 2020 election after ballots were counted for several days.

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And tonight we have a runoff election between a popular American sports hero and a radical leftist who repeatedly praised “G*d damn America” Reverend Jeremiah Wright.

What strange times we live in.

Raphael Warnock took an early lead in the state.

Here are the live results on NBC News.

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