
The Christmas We Need – The American Spectator

The Christmas We Need – The American Spectator

In the spring of 1979, the legendary John Wayne lay dying of lung cancer at UCLA Medical Center. He had accepted the ravages of the disease with the same true grit he showed throughout his 72-year life and 50-year Hollywood career. Because of his deteriorating condition, doctors limited the number of visitors the Duke could have. An old friend asked to be one of them but thought Wayne’s reputed — unfounded — anti-Semitism might disqualify him. Instead, Wayne welcomed his friend, then chastised him. “How could you think I wouldn’t see you ’cause you’re a Jew,” he said. “It’s that other Jew upstairs I’m in no hurry to see.” It was an ironic joke. Wayne had just been baptized a Catholic and was ready to meet the Savior.

As Christmas comes, America is in precarious spiritual shape. Demonic forces have seized much ground and now feel emboldened to spew poison in public more than they ever dared before. Take, for instance, a Massachusetts town official’s reaction to a librarian who criticized the cancellation of her library’s traditional Christmas tree — because “people were made uncomfortable” by it last year.

“I have never posted a negative post on Facebook,” wrote Endicott Branch Library manager Lisa Desmond. “That is, until now. I found out today that my beautiful library will not have (its) Christmas tree this year.” Desmond’s post roused community ire against the progressive decision. This, in turn, riled Dedham Human Rights Commission member Diane Loud into a truly satanic Facebook response:

Lisa Desmond: F*** YOU … you are a selfish f***ing bitch who does not care about anyone but herself. For a tree? For a mother f***ing TREE? You have put people’s lives in a lot of danger. A LOT of danger. For a motherf***ing Christmas tree …

I hope this is worth it. All. I hope the fact that you— who claim to believe in Christ and Christmas or whatever happy horses**t you’re trying to hide behind— are the least gracious, most hateful, most disgusting trash in the world. Is this what you think your magic sky daddy wants? Where in the bible was this again?

In closing, I would like to add a final round of F**K YOU, YOU PIECES OF TRASH. I hate each and every one of you and I do wish great suffering on you. You are terrible, terrible people.

In the end, Diane Loud lost her job and the library got its Christmas tree. Enough good and normal people remained in Dedham, Massachusetts, to push back against progressive insanity. Yet Loud had only mistimed her message, for she could sense the advancing darkness on her side, as well as the one power who can dispel it. More than sheer hatred for Desmond and traditionalists, her post reflected fear — fear of Him whose holy birth Christmas celebrates.

Desmond didn’t bring up Jesus — Loud did, with her chosen words: “You who claim to believe in Christ or whatever happy horsesh**t you’re trying to hide behind” and “your magic sky daddy.” Loud recognized her kind’s ultimate nemesis, as her predecessors did long ago: “Demons also were coming out of many, shouting, ‘You are the Son of God!’ But rebuking them, He would not allow them to speak, because they knew Him to be the Christ” (Luke 4:41).

To achieve victory on Earth today, the servants of evil must diminish normalcy, beginning with its strongest element — the family — at its weakest link — the children. Hence, the preponderance of perversion in schools, libraries, and juvenile entertainment. Drag queens twerk semi-naked in front of kids with the support of deluded parents. Teachers sexually disorient them and hide it from better parents. And doctors prepare to abort the born and mutilate the unborn with the blessing of the president of the United States.

“We need to challenge the hundreds of callous and cynical laws introduced in the states targeting transgender children, terrifying families, and criminalizing doctors who give children the care they need,” Joe Biden said. Fortunately, his assistant secretary for health for the Department of Health and Human Services, “Admiral” Rachel Levine, is a caricature of both a woman and a military officer, and, as such, a living argument against the reality of transgenderism.

Yet evil is still ascendant in America this Christmas. And only the followers of Christ can impede its rise. Hence, they must be divided and conquered by “leaders” like Diane Loud and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. “You know, there are many faiths that do not have the same definition of ‘life’ as fundamentalist Christians,” Ocasio-Cortez chirped in a Twitter video. “What about their right to exercise their faith? It’s ridiculous. And it’s theocratic. It’s also authoritarian, and it is wrong.”

The full-scale assault on Christianity is succeeding, with its followers dropping precipitously. A new Pew study predicts that by 2070, Christians will comprise just half the country’s population. Sadly, the official successor to Saint Peter — the man charged by Christ Himself to lead the faithful against the forces of Satan — has been an almost total embarrassment.

Last week, Pope Francis’ Vatican defrocked the most popular and effective anti-abortion cleric in the nation, Frank Pavone, the founder of Priests for Life, for “blasphemous communications on social media.” Pavone’s only blasphemy was trying to save babies from being murdered despite the cowardly posturing of his superiors. “In every profession, including the priesthood, if you defend the #unborn, you will be treated like them,” Pavone tweeted. “The only difference is that when we are ‘aborted’, we continue to speak out.”

May this Christmas help the faithful come out of the catacombs and ward off the forces of darkness, as they did the entire Roman Empire in the time of Our Lord.

Looking for an endearing Christmas gift book? Try my romantic Yuletide ghost story, The Christmas Spirit, available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other fine bookstores.

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