Self Defense

From Curiosity to Fear – Understanding Your Intuition

From Curiosity to Fear – Understanding Your Intuition

When we teach our women’s self defense programs, one of the things we encourage our students to practice is listening to their intuition. Why? Because when it comes to self defense, intuition is usually your first “clue” that something is amiss.

The human brain is like no other in that it has a “rationale” component that tries to override its “instinctual” programming. Unfortunately, most of us self-talk our way out of listening to our intuition’s danger signals.

Our intuition can work to warn us of positive and not so positive situations.

There are eight feelings that our intuition targets, for good or bad, to try to get our attention:

Curiosity – This is the first “feeling” we normally receive. Something in your direct environment just got your attention. This would be a heads up to stay aware and focus on what is going on around you.

Hunches – You just know something is going to happen but you can’t explain why. Your intuition is still giving you enough time to make decisions regarding your next action.

Gut Feelings – This is normally equated to meeting someone. You just get this “feeling” that there is something wrong about them, no matter how gracious, smiling and gentlemanly they appear. LISTEN TO THIS!

Doubt – This is where the self-questioning takes place. The self-talk begins where you try to rationalize that everything is okay. You are not being silly – trust your doubt! Go in with eyes wide open and be prepared.

Hesitation – This is our subconscious trying to pressure our conscious self to “WAIT – LET DANGER PASS.”

Suspicion – Your survival brain is kicking in and trying to get you to be more aware of your situation and your safety.

Apprehension – Your survival brain is ramping up and getting you prepared. This emotion should be your warning that you need to gear up and get out of the situation you are in or be prepared to deal with potential consequences.

Fear – This is your final survival mechanism to force you to save yourself. Listen to your fear, understand what may be causing it, and respond accordingly.

Our intuition is on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Unfortunately, most of us are unaware of how it is impacting our emotions, feelings, communication and health.

Understanding and becoming
aware of your intuition
gives you the ultimate power over your own life and your own self-defense.

**Angie M. Tarighi is the CEO & Founder of Women’s Self-Defense Institute providing self defense training, education awareness & personal protection products empowering women to fight back against crime.

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