When I was a child at beautiful Parkside Elementary School next to Sligo Creek Parkway in Silver Spring, Maryland, we were taught that our worldwide rival, Bolshevik Communism, was a horrible, gruesome, cruel gift of death. It was barely better than Nazism, although certainly nowhere near as horrible to us Jews as Nazism. Communism was the biggest fraud on earth. It promised a better life for everyone, especially a life of equality and prosperity. In fact, it delivered mass murder, starvation (especially to the Ukrainians, whom the Russians have been starving to death for a good ninety years).
We as a nation were locked in a mortal struggle with people who thought that human life was meaningless garbage unless it promoted the ambitions of the top Bolsheviks. And even the top Bolsheviks were subject to murder by the very top Bolshevik, Joseph Stalin.
How much has Bolshevik Russia changed? Not anywhere near enough. For no good reason at all, the top Bolsheviki (who call themselves “Russians” but no one is fooled) invaded their neighbor, Ukraine, about six months ago. They went in with guns and bombs and flame throwers and poison gas. Their modus operandi was mass rape, torture to death, beheading, burial in ghastly graves. We are now learning that Comrade Putin told his army commanders to kill anyone they saw. This is Himmler squared. This is going on right now even as the United States is still doing business with Comrade Putin and his killer/rapists. There is no doubt, at least not in my mind, that this is what the Russians would do to us if they ever got the upper hand.
What does this tell us? That the USA must have by far the most powerful armed force in the world. There can be no question about it. Whatever taxes are required, we must pay them. Whatever training of our warriors is needed to create the best fighting force on the planet, we must do it.
If we need a draft, then we must have it.
That we have to start teaching our young people that to wake up in the USA is a gift beyond measure.
That whatever problems we have with “inequality” they are zero compared with the breathtaking gift of being an American and that it is worth anything to keep that gift.
Thank you, Comrade Putin, for opening our eyes.
God bless America.
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