
The American Spectator’s Paul Kengor Analyzes Karl Marx on Jordan Peterson’s Podcast

Understanding Karl Marx’s disturbing background unveils communism’s true colors. In a new interview with Daily Wire host Jordan Peterson, American Spectator editor Paul Kengor details Marx’s connection to Satanism and the impact it had on his life and beliefs.

The interview delves into Kengor’s findings in his book The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism’s Long March of Death, Deception, and Infiltration. Peterson and Kengor analyze Marx’s life, raising the question of his affiliation with Satanism. This extensive dive into Marx’s ideological beginnings offers a clearer understanding of his worldview. (READ MORE: AI Is Being Used in a New Way: To Preserve the Stories of Gulag Survivors)

Before his infamous economic framework, Marx wrote poetry that invoked and glorified the Devil. Kengor offers an insight into Marx’s favorite line, which comes from Mephistopheles, a Faustian literary demon who states that “everything that exists deserves to perish.” 

“Why is an atheist … centered on the analysis and identification with religious tropes?” Peterson asks Kengor. Peterson wrestles with the thought of claiming Marx to be an “atheist” despite his background being flooded with religious undertones. Kengor explains that Marx’s birthplace was a devout religious city, and he grew up primarily Christian until college. (READ MORE: The Spectacle Ep. 109: Will Communist Venezuela Attack Free Guyana Just as Scott McKay Predicted?)

In further discussion on Marx’s turn towards atheism, Kengor suspects that Marx’s dark ideology was influenced by his professor Bruno Bauer, an open anti-semite. Bauer and Marx started an “annals of atheism” before Bauer was fired from the University of Bonn. Peterson highlights the characteristic of Satan as “usurping” intellect and juxtaposes it with Marx’s life. “Everything around [Marx] — including his family, his friends — everything was sacrificed to the glorification of his intellect,” Peterson said. 

Peterson and Kengor analyze the state of Marxism and the influence communism has had on history up to today. “Marx was all about tearing down the traditional order …. Communism calls for the abolition of the present state of things,” Kengor said. (READ MORE: Cannibalism Is the Left’s Latest Trend)

Kengor and Peterson expand and disprove the critical quote of communism — that religion is the “opium of the people.” Peterson observes that for religion to be the “opium” of the masses, it would be suggested that religions such as Christianity would simply offer good things and rewards. However, Peterson states that this is contrary to the reality of religion but rather the symptom of the Left. 

You can watch the invigorating discussion on Marx between Peterson and Kengor on YouTube.

The post <i>The American Spectator</i>’s Paul Kengor Analyzes Karl Marx on Jordan Peterson’s Podcast appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

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