Self Defense

The skills you need for self protection – Tactical Self Defense Training

We’re living in an increasingly dangerous world.  There is no denying that.

If you don’t already train, it’s time you get started in learning how to protect yourself.  Here are some skills it’s time you learned.

Street Smarts

The best way to survive a violent assault is to avoid it altogether.  In order to increase your odds of avoiding a dangerous situation, you need to become more aware of your surroundings.

Everytime you leave your house, there is at least a tiny chance that you will become a target.  Therefore, it’s critical that you start to switch your antenna as soon as you walk outside of your home.

In this age of cell phones and ear buds, most people are walking around obvlious to what is happening around them.  They make perfect targets for criminals looking to make an easy buck, or simply to inflict harm.

Virtually everday, we see a new video of random assaults, not so random robberies, and coordinated muggings.

Be on the lookout for people who are observing other people… they are looking for a victim.  Learn to pay attention where you park your car, and when you exit your car.

Don’t just assume that because it is daylight that criminals won’t be so bold as to rob you.  They don’t care, even though cameras are everywhere these days.

Hit hard

In case you let your guard down, and someone has invaded your personal space, you may need to use violence to get out of the situation.

Even if you carry a concealed weapon, once someone is in your space, you may not have time to access it.

Therefore, the best way to deal with someone who is in your space and intent on assaulting you is to knock them out.

Most people don’t have the skill to do this with one shot, but it is possible even for smaller people to get in a couple quick shots to either knock out the criminal, or at least distract them so you can make a getaway.

The ability to hit hard is an acquired skill, even if you are fairly large person.  It requires training and practice.

Recognize when someone is about to attack

Because we have laws, and cameras are everywhere, we can’t just starting hitting people when they invade our personal space.

Therefore, we must first get into a defensive posture, and then recognize the signs that someone is about to hit us.  This can come with training, but there are few signs that someone is ready to become violent.

A few of these include shifting their weight so they can load up; change of expression on their face; becoming quiet after they’ve been mouthing off, etc.

If you can recognize these signs, you’ll be able to get the first shot in.  Statistically, the person who gets in the first shot usually wins the fight.

Access your inner dark self

Suppose you are the victim of an assault… do you have what it takes to end that fight, so that you come out on top?

Criminals are able to go to that dark place because they have experience with it.  Most of their victims don’t have that experience.  This puts the criminal at an immediate advantage.

If you are going to win the fight, you have to do what is necessary.  This may mean beating on your assailant until they are unconscious, or at least immobile.

This also takes some learning and practice, but it is a critical skill to learn.

Use of weapons

You must always assume that a criminal who is about to assault you is armed.  Therefore, you need to learn how to deal with that threat as well.

The most difficult weapon to defend against in close quarters is the knife.  The best way to deal with the knife is to have a weapon of your own.

In a past post, I discussed what I believe is the best everyday carry weapon, aside from a firearm… a walking cane.

I live in a state where it is difficult to obtain a concealed carry permit, and only folding knives can be carried legally.  Therefore, a walking cane can be a good replacement, since it is perfectly legal to carry in public.

If you do live in an area where you can care a firearm, you should practice with it regularly, and not just standing straight up on a firing range.

You’ll need to learn how to access your weapon quickly, and learn how to use it in less than ideal conditions and situations.

Final Thoughts

Most of us will never have to utilize these skills, but it makes no sense to avoid learning them.  You owe it to yourself and loved ones to learn how to protect them and yourself.

If you’ve never trained for self protection, there is no better time than the present to begin learning.

One place you can start is here… The Self Defense Company.

Thanks for reading!




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