
Brazil Is Not the Problem

Must everybody be a sheep? Governments, government agencies or the Media; they have all been thinking, talking and acting the same way since the bloody 9/11. And such a sad state of affairs leads to one conclusion: Al-Qaeda won. 

The Media has lost its integrity, its sense of morals and became an instrument of hatred and death. And those among these destruction-mongers who wish to report truthfully are either blocked or finished. But what brought my attention to this repetition of events? All of the past week, the Portuguese Media has been focusing on the fact that Brazilians are the biggest immigrant community in the country, that their way of speaking Portuguese is taking over (e.g. “ônibus” instead of “autocarro” [both meaning bus] or “geladeira” instead of “frigorífico” [both meaning fridge]) and so on and so forth…

The Brazilian community in Portugal has been on the rise since the end of the 1980’s but their presence is cyclic: today it is high, tomorrow is low…today they are here, tomorrow they go back to Brazil or to the US. Generally, they are not the problem. Yet someone in Portugal wants them to be the problem as a diversion tactic to camouflage the real problem. 

The Real Problem

The real problem lies in the nearly 1 million new Portuguese citizens who do not speak Portuguese at all. 

The Brazilian community is a Portuguese by-product, they are our people, we have nothing to fear; the same way we have nothing to fear from people coming from the African former colonies – why? Because for some strange reason they defend Portugal with nails and teeth…and in the end that’s what this is all about: National Security. 

It is a threat to National Security to have nearly 1 million of people holding a Portuguese Passport without knowing anything about our language, our history, our culture, and our traditions – that is, they will not defend us when a threat arises. Nationality is a serious matter and it shouldn’t be taken lightly. The Germans understand this. 

Behavioural Profiling

There are certain communities, all stemming from the same geo-location, that now occupy a very significant part of the Portuguese Society and present the same behaviour: 

  • They open endless numbers of mini-markets

  • They open endless numbers of “consultancy” offices

  • They open endless numbers of Kebab restaurants

  • They open endless numbers of Portuguese Language Schools

  • They open endless numbers of Asian-Italian-Portuguese cuisine restaurants

Their sense of ethics clashes significantly with ours, they believe our laws do not apply to them, they are corrupt to the core, they lack the sense of loyalty, and they treat everything they touch as a temporary situation (i.e. they never invest on the permanent only on the ephemeral: they don’t buy, they rent; they don’t decorate their offices, they keep them plain in case they need to pack and run, etc). What is Portugal waiting for to tackle this problem?

One can’t even argue that they are potential voters because even though they are here, they don’t know Portuguese so they don’t read the news, they are completely detached from the local reality except for how much they should pay for their contributions to Social Security…and as soon as they get the documents they want, they leave the country at light speed: they will not vote. Unless, they are activated to do it.

Portugal is now hardening its stance on immigration in a very sloppy and lazy way. They are seeing it all wrong because the government itself is detached from reality and this threat serves a few up “the food chain”… 

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