
‘Republicans Against Perry’: The Republicans Who Aren’t Republicans – The American Spectator

‘Republicans Against Perry’: The Republicans Who Aren’t Republicans – The American Spectator
‘Republicans Against Perry’: The Republicans Who Aren’t Republicans – The American Spectator

Well of course.

Pennsylvania’s Republican Rep. Scott Perry, a seriously principled conservative, is the target of a group masquerading as Republicans.

And yes, full disclosure, I pay attention to Rep. Perry’s activities because, in fact, he is my congressman. And a superb one.

But as Penn Live has headlined

Republicans Against Perry aiming to oust GOP congressman in 2024 through voter outreach

The story reports: 

Sensing that GOP U.S. Rep. Scott Perry could be vulnerable in next year’s election, a group called Republicans Against Perry is launching an opposition movement for the 2024 10th Congressional District race.

“He is a square peg that doesn’t fit in the round hole of that district, and I think this is the year coming up when that gets proven,” said Craig Snyder, a longtime Republican operative from Pennsylvania who will lead the anti-Perry group after successfully guiding Republicans For Shapiro last year.

Snyder, a former chief of staff to the late moderate Republican-turned-Democratic U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter, told PennLive that WelcomePAC, a national, centrist Democratic political-action committee, is backing Republicans Against Perry.

Perry, Snyder said, “is counting on the idea that there’s enough of a Republican lean to the district that (GOP voters) will stay with him just based on wearing the team jersey and I think it’s a mistake.”

The article goes on to say:   

In a statement, WelcomePAC co-founder Liam Kerr said they “scoured the country to find the Republican voters most repulsed by their own extreme congressman” and pinpointed the 10th District as one of them.

“PA-10 voters overwhelmingly supported Josh Shapiro last year, but research shows they are not yet aware of Perry’s extremism,” Kerr said. “In 2022, national Democrats gave Scott Perry a free pass and we must ensure that voters are informed, especially patriotic Republicans, who share our disgust with the chaos in D.C.”

Republicans Against Perry has already targeted “tens of thousands” of voters in the district for a widespread digital campaign, said Snyder. The group has not courted any possible primary challengers to Perry but would entertain supporting one, said Snyder.

Let’s unpack all of this baloney.

First, “Republicans Against Perry” is backed by that group calling itself (with no irony) “WelcomePAC.”  Right there on the front page of WelcomePAC’s website, it says that its objective is to: 

“Grow a Democratic Party that wins. Restore sanity throughout our government.”

So instantly we learn that the so-called “Republicans Against Perry” is in fact a front for Democrats, the proud party of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, those wonderful people who, in the name of “Bidenomics,”  spend taxpayer money like drunken sailors, sending inflation soaring with price increases for everything from a gallon of gas to a dozen eggs. And, oh yes, persuaded Vladimir Putin and Hamas that they could start wars against Ukraine and Israel without repercussion from a seriously weak and cognitively impaired president.

Where is the WelcomePAC located? No, not here in Pennsylvania or elsewhere in grassroots America where they could learn about the real-world effect of “Bidenomics” on regular Americans. No way. As you could guess, WelcomePAC is located in the heart of the Swamp — Washington D.C. There is nothing “grassroots” about them.

Which, right there, instantly tells you why they cannot abide Scott Perry. Rep. Perry (who, by the by, is a retired U.S. Army National Guard brigadier general) is decidedly in touch with his conservative Central Pennsylvania district where I live. And precisely because he will not put up with the nonsense and self-seeking that is the beating heart of the Swamp, the Swamp wants Perry out.

The Swamp cannot abide that Perry had the guts to demand the 2020 election results be examined for integrity. Election integrity, contrary to the propaganda of groups like WelcomePAC and Republicans Against Perry, is about election integrity, not “overturning” an election.

The sad fact of the matter, as Rep. Perry fully understands, is that Pennsylvania has a long history of voter fraud and corruptly run elections. As I have previously documented in this space: 

In the 2016, 2015, 2014, 2012, and 2008 elections, not to mention back there in the dinosaur age of 1994, there were repeated examples of voter fraud in Pennsylvania. All seriously documented. Here’s a list of specifics.

 In 2020, a former Democratic Judge of Elections in Philadelphia, Domenick J. DeMuro, was convicted in federal court for his role in “accepting bribes to cast fraudulent ballots and certifying false voting results during the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections in Philadelphia,” according to the U.S. Attorney for Eastern Pennsylvania. Here is the press release from the Department of Justice.

Two months later, in July, the same U.S. Attorney announced that former U.S. Congressman Michael “Ozzie” Myers, a Philadelphia Democrat, was indicted on “multiple counts, including conspiring to violate voting rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for specific Democratic candidates in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 Pennsylvania primary elections, bribery of an election official, falsification of records, voting more than once in federal elections, and obstruction of justice.” The bribery charge, by the way, was about Myers paying the election judge DeMuro to rig voting machines. Here is the press release from the Department of Justice.

In 2012, the Philadelphia Inquirer headlined this a few days after the Obama-Romney election.

“In 59 Philadelphia voting divisions, Mitt Romney got zero votes”

“It’s one thing for a Democratic presidential candidate to dominate a Democratic city like Philadelphia, but check out this head-spinning figure: In 59 voting divisions in the city, Mitt Romney received not one vote. Zero. Zilch.”

Which is to say, this is a statistical impossibility without voter fraud.

In 2008 there was this in October in the middle of the Obama-McCain contest. I covered a press conference at the Pennsylvania State Capitol held by a retired Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice, the Dauphin County (Harrisburg) District Attorney, and the then-Pennsylvania Republican State Chairman, who said.

“Between March 23rd and October 1st, various groups, including ACORN, submitted over 252,595 registrations to the Philadelphia County Election Board” with 57,435 rejected for faulty information. “Most of these registrations were submitted by ACORN, and rejected due to fake social security numbers, incorrect dates of birth, clearly fraudulent signatures, addresses that do not exist, and duplicate registrations. In one case, a man was registered to vote more than 15 times since the Primary election.”

“Voter fraud is no longer just a Philadelphia problem,” said State GOP Chairman Rob Gleason, as “ACORN was targeting key counties across the state.”

Then there was this jewel of a voter fraud story from a 1994 special election for a Philadelphia seat in the Pennsylvania State Senate. The New York Times reported this, bold print supplied:

“Saying Philadelphia’s election system had collapsed under “a massive scheme” by Democrats to steal a State Senate election in November, a Federal judge today took the rare step of invalidating the vote and ordered the seat filled by the Republican candidate.”

“Judge Newcomer ruled that the Democratic campaign of William G. Stinson had stolen the election from Bruce S. Marks in North Philadelphia’s Second Senatorial District through an elaborate fraud in which hundreds of residents were encouraged to vote by absentee ballot even though they had no legal reason — like a physical disability or a scheduled trip outside the city — to do so.”

In other words? In Pennsylvania, voter fraud — which is genuine voter suppression — is as common as winter snow in Erie.

To say the least, with all these facts documented and on the record, Rep. Perry was more than doing his job in demanding that the 2020 results in Pennsylvania be examined and that the 2020 election, unlike the elections of 2016, 2015, 2014, 2012, 2008, and 1994, be verified for its honesty and the integrity of the results.

Leave it to Republicans Against Perry to stand up for Democrat voter fraud.

All of which is to say that this group, in spite of its name, is hardly Republican. And, but of course, so-called “Republicans” turning against conservatives is nothing new. 

As a former Reagan staffer myself, I well recall the GOP establishment’s reaction to Reagan’s own rise. I wrote about them back in 2015 in this space:

• Vice President Nelson Rockefeller dismissed Reagan as “a minority of a minority” who “has been taking some extreme positions.”

• New York’s Republican Senator Jacob Javits: Reagan’s positions are “so extreme that they would alter our country’s very economic and social structure and our place in the world to such a degree as to make our country’s place at home and abroad, as we know it, a thing of the past.”

• Illinois Republican Senator Charles Percy said Reagan’s candidacy was “foolhardy” and would lead to a “crushing defeat” for the Republican Party. “It could signal the beginning of the end of our party as an effective force in American political life.”

• Former President Gerald Ford: “I hear more and more often that we don’t want, can’t afford to have a replay of 1964.” If the Republican Party nominates Ronald Reagan “it would be an impossible situation” because Reagan “is perceived as a most conservative Republican. A very conservative Republican can’t win in a national election.” Asked if that meant Ford thought Reagan can’t win, Ford replied to the New York Times: “That’s right.” The Times story went on to observe that Ford thought “Mr. Reagan would be a sure-loser in November” and that Reagan held “extreme and too-simple views.”

In other words? In other words, this attack on Rep. Scott Perry is just the latest in the line of establishment Republicans who cannot abide the party’s conservatives — the Reagans and — yes — Lincolns of the day. In fact, Perry, like Reagan, is exactly living up to Lincoln’s call in 1859 that:

The chief and real purpose of the Republican party is eminently conservative.


So to be clear? “Republicans Against Perry” is nothing more than a tool of the left-wing “WelcomePAC” that itself proudly proclaims its goal is to “Grow a Democratic Party that wins.”

The bottom line? 

The very fact of just who is behind Mr. Perry’s opposition speaks exactly to his willingness to stand up for conservative principle.


Three cheers for Pennsylvania’s Rep. Scott Perry.

And welcome to 2024.

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